50 House Colors To Convince You To Paint Yours It’s quite a well known fact that the paint colors you choose for a room will impact how you feel when you spend time in the space. But many don’t realize that the same fact applies to the exterior of your house as well. A neighborhood filled…
Category: Decorating Articles

The Stow-Away Hotel in London Made Out Of Rescued Shipping Containers
The Stow-Away Hotel in London Made Out Of Rescued Shipping Containers After being used countless times, many shipping containers reach the end of the line and are often left to rust. A lucky few however get repurposed. One particularly interesting project which recently made use of this resource is the Stow-Away Hotel from Wate… Read…

Store Your Clothes Inside A Beautiful Bedroom Wardrobe
Store Your Clothes Inside A Beautiful Bedroom Wardrobe If you’re not lucky enough to have plenty of house space to make your own dresser, a bedroom wardrobe is the next best thing and it is an absolute must in terms of clothing storage. There is a right and a wrong way to shop for a…

Stay Warm During Cold Days With One Of The Best Baseboard Heaters
Stay Warm During Cold Days With One Of The Best Baseboard Heaters Are you thinking of purchasing some baseboard heaters for your home? If you’re looking for zonal heating, baseboard heaters are a great option. Not only can you tuck them behind furniture, but they’ve also got high heat efficiency. Here, we’ll provide you wit……

Boo hoo? How to have a safer Halloween
Boo hoo? How to have a safer Halloween We shouldn’t strip kids of normalcy, experts say. Here’s how to trick-or-treat, pandemic-style. Read More…

How to Decorate So You Feel at Home
How to Decorate So You Feel at Home This post is from the blog, InMyOwnStyle.com How to decorate your home in the best way possible, so you feel at home. Decorating versus Lifestyle When I did residential design, clients would show me room clippings from magazines with the look they wanted to a… Read More…

Seattle's Spider season is here, but don't be afraid, experts say
Seattle’s Spider season is here, but don’t be afraid, experts say If you’ve noticed copious amounts of spider webs decorating your railings, mail boxes and windows when venturing outside recently, you’re not alone. Early fall is Seattle’s so-called “spider season” when two species, the European orb weaver and giant house sp… Read More…

My Spooky (And Super Simple) Kid-Approved Halloween Decor
My Spooky (And Super Simple) Kid-Approved Halloween Decor You know what is scarier than that 5′ spider? The “holiday extreme” version of me because I’m going to decorate for ANY holiday this year. This is only “stage one” because the month is long and I am desperate to stretch it all out and have any…

Portable Air Conditioner and Heater Combos – The Best Ways To Solve Your Heating and Cooling Needs
Portable Air Conditioner and Heater Combos – The Best Ways To Solve Your Heating and Cooling Needs If you live in an area where you experience all four seasons, you’ve more than likely encountered days where the temperature is erratic. It’s cold in the morning, blazing hot in the afternoon, and chilly in the evening….

24 Ways to Make a Ceiling Look Higher
24 Ways to Make a Ceiling Look Higher If your home has ceilings that are inherently low (such as in a basement), or if your ceilings are of average height but you might want them to look taller, you might have been looking into ways to give the appearance of height. There are as many…